February 13 (Track 2)

This page has videos from Track 2 of WordCamp India on February 13th. You can also find the Track 2 videos on February 13th directly in our YouTube channel. You can find links to our zoom rooms (sponsor areas, networking tracks) in our Watch now page.

Track 2 Schedule on February 13 (Saturday)

Please note: The videos will only be available on or after they are premiered or on or after the live Q&A completes.

Introduction and welcome by Hitha and Sudar
18:30 IST (01:00 PM UTC) Live Q&A: #3 Design to Page – Using the WordPress block editor to implement a landing page design Daisy Olsen and Niharika Sanadhya
19:30 IST (02:00 PM UTC) Live Q&A #4 WordPress in the time of a Pandemic by Michelle Frechette
Closing remarks by Nidhi and Dhanendran

Want to hang out with other attendees – join the networking room! (Access available for folks that purchased WordCamp India tickets). You can also watch the videos directly on YouTube by following this link.