Swapnil Patil

Swapnil Patil

Swapnil is a Community Manager at Axelerant with experience in Information Technology, primarily focusing on Front-end & Cloud Computing technologies.

As a Community Manager, he is passionate to share his experiences on building architectures with best practices and help strengthen the makers of tomorrow.

Swapnil is an experienced, detailed-oriented developer with 7+ years of hands-on experience efficiently crafting web and mobile apps. Building state-of-the-art, easy-to-use, user-friendly, and accessible applications is a passion for him.

As a developer, he has focused on the needs of customer-facing applications and is actively involved in the Front-end & CMS space. He has been leading conversations with businesses of all industries and sizes on innovation, as they deploy critical workloads onto the cloud, Serverless, and JAMStack.

Topic: Introduction to WordPress in Marathi Language