Outrank your competition with a great content SEO strategy

WordPress out of the box is pretty SEO-friendly. Add Yoast SEO and your technical SEO is pretty much covered. If you want to do more and really outrank your competition, you’ll just need to have a great content SEO strategy.

In this talk I’ll first explain the importance of SEO copywriting and of internal linking. After that, I’ll talk you through some practical tips with which you can start optimising your website today.

How to Start Block Development with Scaffolding

Can you believe that it’s been two years already since the WordPress core introduced Gutenberg? In the meantime, the block editor has matured tremendously. Have you already tried to extend its functionality? Spend 15 minutes and save yourself hours when creating custom blocks. I will show how to make the most of the scaffolding command that comes from the Gutenberg core team.

Intro to the GraphQL API for WordPress

Presentation of the new GraphQL API for WordPress plugin, to use the increasingly popular GraphQL API to fetch data from the WordPress site.

The plugin is open source. Repo: https://github.com/GraphQLAPI/graphql-api-for-wp.

We will first explore the current scene of APIs in WordPress:

  • What is an API
  • What are the current solutions for WordPress: WP REST API and WPGraphQL
  • Their characteristics

Then I will explain the characteristics of this new plugin GraphQL API for WordPress, and do a demo of it. The demo involves using the WordPress admin, there won’t be any code at all, so it’s suitable for beginners too.

Slides: https://slides.com/leoloso/graphql-api-for-wp


Attendees will learn about the different API solutions in WordPress, and about the GraphQL API plugin in particular

Why am I qualified to give this talk:

Because I’m the author of the plugin

Intro to Decoupled WordPress

In this Session, Prem will share how we can leverage WordPress as a backend system and use different technologies or platforms as the front end. There are many use-cases where we need a strong backend system to support our different front end platforms like a web which built with React, Android application, web view on mobile.